Examining the Challenges of Transmission in Sites of
Memory Using the Notion of Traces
Mémorial de l’internement et de la déportation
Internment and deportation Memorial
2bis, avenue des Martyrs de la Liberté 60200,
In the current context of a general rise in extremism, a revisionist rereading of history and the disappearance of witnesses, it is essential to update of the modes of transmission to European youth of the history of deportation and national-socialist crimes during the Second World War.
As part of the EVZ Foundation’s “Young people Remember: Exchange of Expertise on Bilateral and Multilateral Youth Encounters at Historical Sites of Nazi Persecution” funding program, the Internment and Deportation Memorial in Compiègne is organizing a series of three “workshops”. During these workshops, French and German specialists and teachers will brainstorm new ideas for developing didactic tools and concepts of transmission for educating youth in memorial and historical sites. They will also envision new exchange programs between young Europeans within these memorial sites.
This work is carried out in partnership with the Memorial for the victims of the Langenstein-Zwieberge concentration camp and the Documentation Center on Nazi Forced Labor of the Foundation for Topography of Terror in Berlin, and with the support of the French Embassy in Berlin, as well as the Interuniversity Research Network on Racism and Anti-Semitism.
